Update and Pupdate

As we hit the one-month mark for Campaign Trails, I wanted to send along a quick celebratory update (and, as promised, some Sarge pictures too).

First and foremost, thanks to everyone who’s subscribed to the newsletter so far. We’ve gotten off to a great start, as you can see below. (Remember my money-back guarantee* that once we make it to 10,000 subscribers, Henry Kissinger is toast.**)

A special thanks to those who started out with a free subscription but upgraded to paid. I take that as a sign that you’ve liked what you’ve seen so far, and really appreciate the vote of confidence.
Second, I wanted to announce the rollout of a new feature called Work in Progress. I’m starting a leave year from teaching, working my way through the materials I’ve collected over the past six years for this exciting new project on John Doar and the Civil Rights Division. As I turn from research to writing, I want to use this site as a place to share some of the incredible material I’ve found in the archives and to workshop my ideas and arguments.
Because I want to encourage actual engagement and feedback on those posts, I’ll be limiting them to just the paid subscribers. They have the ability to comment here, and by keeping the Work in Progress posts just for them I think it’ll foster a discussion that’s manageable and meaningful. So, paid subscribers, stay tuned for those!
Third, I’ve heard your demands for more Sarge pictures. I’ll add them each week to the AMA posts, but here are a few from yesterday to get it started. (It was very hot, and the pup was very pooped.)

And last, as I said, the pup photos are coming with Ask Me Anything posts from now on, so … Ask Me Anything in the comments here.
* Not remotely a guarantee. No money will be given back.
** This is not an actual threat to kill Henry Kissinger. Look, man, if you’re a cop, you gotta tell me if you’re a cop.
Thank you for reading Campaign Trails. This post is public so feel free to share it.